This function can be used to add analysis points, calculate and generate sun cone and SVF hemispheres in real time for single point sun analysis, or pick up analysis plane or surface and window analysis surface, conduct regional sun analysis according to sampling interval and sampling time, and generate isochrone analysis chart and gradient
This function is used for parameterized urban planning and design. It can help you quickly create urban planning and design solutions. The technical indexes of urban control are calculated in real time and displayed in the interface. By setting the minimum spacing control warning, the real-time reminder can be used to adjust the scheme.Through the parameter map, the height of the building can be
This function is specially used for area information statistics of rooms, and can create, store and manage all kinds of area information. Modify room properties interactively at any time. It can classify and manage by function, generate annotation information, room relation chart and room area report, etc. ...
The components move randomly along the X, y, Z, XY, XZ, YZ and XYZ axes, which is suitable for random design in work.In order to be more suitable for work, the distance modulus is added to the plug-in, so that the results processed by the plug-in are modular, and the results are not as fragmented as other plug-ins. ...
Set the date, time and precision of shadow analysis to generate sunshine shadow analysis chart of specified resolution. You can choose to automatically plot the legend in the result.Please note: you must modify hiddenline with SketchUp style as preset style before running shadow analysis! ...
This function can dynamically edit wall, column, beam, slab, slope, hole and other building components, modify and mark them in batches, and finally export the component list!Building objects edited by SketchUp native tools can be rebuilt according to the original parameters. You can batch modify building components in the property panel. ...
2021-9-1 17:20
Category: Building FacilityViews: 24442
Comments number:6
To create a regular polyhedron with editable parameters, regular polyhedron includes regular tetrahedron, regular hexahedron (regular cube), regular octahedron, regular dodecahedron and regular icosahedron.
2014-12-7 11:21
Category: 3D FormViews: 16565
Comments number:1
This function command is used to generate and edit quadrilateral surfaces. It can adjust the surfaces freely through control points and handles, add quadrilateral surfaces, merge edges and other operations. It has a very powerful preview effect.Because this plug-in is not the final development version, local functions are not available (gray display), and it is possible that
The non solid objects are processed to meet the requirements of the solid, the missing faces are supplemented, the duplicate faces are merged, the internal faces are removed, the redundant edges are removed, the broken lines and segmented curves are repaired, and the objects are moved to the layer layer0. ...
This function command can subdivide the selected face into triangular faces by setting the subdivision level and jitter range, and randomly jitter its vertices along the normal direction to generate a more natural and realistic relief terrain.
2020-5-15 15:28
Category: 3D FormViews: 23273
Comments number:1