



The latest version: 2.2.2 Install
The function of parametric subdivision plug-in is to perform efficient parametric surface subdivision on SketchUp. By adjusting the sharpness weight value of each edge of the subdivision mesh object, the shape can be modified and adjusted parametrically.The tool can turn subdivision mode on and off at any time, and can increase and reduce the number of subdivision iterations to cut
  2024-4-29 13:42   Category: 3D Form   Views: 45093   Comments number:4
The latest version: 3.0.0 Install
Arcs Circles + GIF
The enhanced function of the arc plug-in enhances the tool of drawing arc, circle and polygon in SketchUp, and adds the tool of drawing ellipse.In addition to the three methods of center, radius, angle, start point, end point, arc height and three points by default, the method of drawing arc has added center, radius, angle, start point, end point and arc height
  2021-8-26 15:08   Category: Line/Face   Views: 21135   Comments number:2
The latest version: 1.0.0 Install
Dimension Tools GIF
Dimension plug-in is an enhanced version of dimension tools in SketchUp. It can perfectly insert and modify dimensions, rotate, divide, merge, trim and extend them, which is very efficient.
  2021-8-26 15:07   Category: Text/Labeling   Views: 35752   Comments number:2
The latest version: 3.5 Install
ConceptLines GIF
Streamline analysis plug-in function can easily draw three-dimensional streamline analysis arrows in SketchUp to express design ideas. Analytical lines provide eight drawing styles.
  2015-11-16 17:49   Category: Line/Face   Views: 25219   Comments number:5
The latest version: 1.1.1 Install
CLF Select Outer Edges GIF
The select boundary plug-in function can quickly select the external boundary lines of the selected objects to obtain the external contour lines of the selection set.
  2019-4-10 09:54   Category: Utility Tools   Views: 12571   Comments number:1
The latest version: 1.01 Install
Material Isolator GIF
The isolate material plug-in function can filter and display the same material selected, hide the contents of other materials, or only display the faces contained in the current material in the material panel.
  2015-9-29 21:32   Category: Render Tools   Views: 13145   Comments number:2
The latest version: 1.0 Install
Layers To List GIF
The export layer plug-in function can export the layer list settings file, including the layer name and color. The import Layer command (http://www.suapp.me/plugin/343) is used for importing other SketchUp model files.The content format of layer list template file written by this plug-in is as follows:Layer name 1: R
  2015-6-6 22:17   Category: Layer/Group   Views: 10384   Comments number:1
The latest version: 1.0.0 Install
Cylindrical Coordinates GIF
The cylindrical plug-in function takes the X coordinate (red axis direction) of all vertices in the SketchUp group as the radius, the Y coordinate (green axis direction) as the angle of the polar coordinate system, and the Z coordinate remains unchanged.By moving vertex coordinates in this way, you can easily draw cylindrical or spiral shapes (shells and snails)
  2015-6-6 20:27   Category: 3D Form   Views: 13841   Comments number:1
The latest version: 2.0.1 Install
S4U Line Tool GIF
The enhanced line drawing plug-in function is an enhanced version of SketchUp's native line drawing command. In addition to snapping the endpoint and midpoint of a line segment, it can also snap the third bisection point and the center point of a face. Moreover, when inputting the length of line segment, it supports direct input of expression, and supports addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, for example: 2m * 3 + 10m / 4 + 3
  2019-4-12 19:16   Category: Line/Face   Views: 18061   Comments number:3
The latest version: 0.5.3 Install
Street Generator GIF
The road generation plug-in function is the last tool of SketchUp that can automatically generate road network through the road centerline. It can set the road width, turning radius and threshold value, and can choose whether to automatically generate road enclosed parcels.Users can set different material names of centerlines to generate multiple levels of different widths
  2022-6-16 15:23   Category: Building Facility   Views: 61547   Comments number:9





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