The plane attribute plug-in function can calculate the centroid, area, perimeter, moment of inertia and radius of rotation of any surface in SketchUp. You can draw crosshairs as markers at the centroid.
The function of generating surface plug-in can generate editable Bezier surface or Bezier triangle surface according to two, three or four Bezier curves, arcs, circles or lines in SketchUp. The generated surface can adjust its shape through control points and control edges, and control the boundary contour by modifying the corresponding weight value of control points
The cantilever stair plug-in function can create a double run or single run stair in SketchUp. The relevant parameters such as the height of the stair, the clear width of the stair run, the total number of steps, the number of one run, the thickness of the stair slab, the thickness of the platform slab, the thickness of the partition wall, the platform beam, the thickness of the handrail wall / the height of the wall can be customized to generate a standard building suitable for the cantilever structure
2015-11-16 17:49
Category: Building FacilityViews: 27366
Comments number:1
The function of rotating stair plug-in can be set in SketchUp by setting the height of stairs, net width / thickness / quantity of treads, radius of middle columns, rotation angle, height / radius of handrails, radius / spacing / quantity of rungs, height / thickness of side baffles, height / thickness of treads, spacing / radius of railings / initial treads and other rich parameters
2015-11-16 17:49
Category: Building FacilityViews: 41790
Comments number:2
The edit curve plug-in function can add, delete and modify the control points of standard Bezier curves, arcs, circles and lines in SketchUp.The degree and segment number of the curve can be modified arbitrarily, and the curve can be subdivided. It's a sharp tool for editing curves in SketchUp! ...
Mobius ring plug-in function can draw Mobius ring and many other complex loop twist bands in SketchUp.In the options, you can set the width, thickness, X-axis offset, offset angle, radius, number of loops, inner twist, outer twist, loop type, detail, loop color, edge
2015-4-9 23:47
Category: 3D FormViews: 18477
Comments number:1
The displacement animation plug-in function can easily create the displacement and rotation animation of components in the page scene, and can set a separate transition time and transition animation effect. There are 26 kinds of transition animation effects, such as linear and elastic effects, which are very rich.Note that the resulting animation effect cannot be imported through SketchUp
The fence plug-in can generate standard wood fence of specified height and color by setting the thickness and height of fence board, as well as the size and spacing of columns.
2015-4-9 21:04
Category: Building FacilityViews: 15509
Comments number:1
The axonometric projection plug-in can generate 10 different styles of railings, including rungs, mullions, grids and other styles. Simply select the projection line used to generate the baluster (it may not be in the same plane) to generate a beautiful baluster of the specified height. ...
2015-11-16 17:49
Category: Building FacilityViews: 51767
Comments number:13
The three-point window building plug-in function can generate window components at the wall opening by specifying three points with the mouse according to the window embedded size, window frame width, window frame thickness, glass thickness and glass embedded size you set.Please note that the components generated by this command do not include the cutting opening feature. You can draw the opening first and then pass it again