



Plugins for "Material". About 15 results.
The latest version: 1.5 Install
Remove Group/Component Materials GIF
In normal modeling habits, sometimes materials are directly assigned to groups or components, resulting in the absence of materials on faces within the group. This tool allows you to delete materials on groups or components and directly assign materials to faces within the group.This plug-in has similar functionality to the Material Tool (SUAPP No. 167), which is considered a
  2023-3-21 16:25   Category: Layer/Group   Views: 4190   Comments number:1
The latest version: 1.0.0 Install
Eneroth Randomize Materials GIF
Select the material used in the selection and randomly apply it to the model object. Random material plug-ins are mostly used to create changes between materials, such as children's fields, random mosaic and other scenes.
  2020-4-27 15:34   Category: Render Tools   Views: 14661   Comments number:3
The latest version: 1.0.0 Install
Material Resizer GIF
Map lightweight plug-in, quickly adjust the size of the image in the model. We often encounter very large model files, which lead to opening or running a jam. The main reason is that the mapping material is too large. This plug-in can optimize the pixel size of the map and the size of the model file. ...
  2020-4-28 18:17   Category: Utility Tools   Views: 17300   Comments number:2
The latest version: 1.01 Install
Material Isolator GIF
The isolate material plug-in function can filter and display the same material selected, hide the contents of other materials, or only display the faces contained in the current material in the material panel.
  2015-9-29 21:32   Category: Render Tools   Views: 13136   Comments number:2
The latest version: 3.8.3 Install
Bill of material GIF
The component list plug-in function can count the number of components in the global model or the selected object, list the component name, description, layer and other entity attributes, length, width, height, size, area, volume and other geometric attributes by category, and automatically calculate the weight and price by setting the material, density and unit price, and finally export
  2020-12-19 14:22   Category: Layer/Group   Views: 19124   Comments number:8
The latest version: 1.1.2 Install
S4U Material GIF
This function command can transfer the negative material to the front, exchange the positive and negative materials, and at the same time, it can flip and automatically face forward to facilitate the comprehensive processing of the model before rendering.
  2021-8-4 14:43   Category: Render Tools   Views: 24375   Comments number:4
The latest version: 1.0 Install
GetMaterials GIF
The selected material types in the scene, such as map or color, can be included in the grid template for easy editing.
  2015-9-29 21:33   Category: Render Tools   Views: 17265   Comments number:4
You can ignore the influence of the group, select the surface directly according to the material, and hide other unselected objects without destroying the organizational structure in the model.Note: you can't choose the opposite material!
  2012-10-29 08:24   Category: Utility Tools   Views: 19429   Comments number:1
The latest version: 2.7.1 Install
Material Tools GIF
A series of commands to remove a material and several about it.
  2019-1-14 14:43   Category: Render Tools   Views: 45124   Comments number:4
The latest version: 1.6 Install
Fix Reversed Face Materials GIF
It is often found that many faces are facing the camera on the opposite side after the model is made and the material is attached to the back of the camera. This situation does not affect the effect of SketchUp, but as long as you render or import it into 3dsmax, you will find many broken faces and materials
  2012-9-6 18:38   Category: Render Tools   Views: 20743   Comments number:1





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